Welcome to 'Modern Ascension: Stories from the Spiritual Paths of High Initiates.' Discover the lives of thirteen individuals on their unique journeys of ascension in today's world. Whether you're a gifted healer, a public servant, or someone leading a quieter life, these diverse stories will resonate with you, showcasing the modern face of ascension that unites us all. Explore the shared pursuit of spiritual awakening in this compelling book.
Join us for an enlightening conversation on the Spiritual Geek Podcast, where Carol Anne Halstead, Sheila Franzen, Tammy Manzo, and Elizabeth Tackenberg dive into the transformative journey of "Modern Ascension." Listen in as they share their personal stories, explore the concept of raising spiritual vibrations, and offer insights that can inspire your own path toward higher awareness and inner peace.
Carol Anne | Elizabeth | Kathryn | Elaine | AmayahGrace | Brad | Geri | Simi | Luz | Tammy | Sheila | Andrew | Verna
Meet the contributors of Modern Ascension – the thirteen people who have shared their personal stories of Ascension in the book. These high level initiates have cleared their karma and have left the cycle of rebirth, and their Higher Selves are now fully in body in service to humanity and the entire planet. As you will read below, they are normal people and no pedestal is needed. The book and this website is our way of sharing how attainable Ascension is. Ascension is no longer for the few. You too can achieve Ascension in this lifetime - if you choose it.
My name is Carol Anne Halstead and I have compiled a series of 13 stories from individuals around the world who are on a spiritual path of Ascension. The name of the book is Modern Ascension: Stories From the Spiritual Paths of High Initiates. I have also contributed my own Ascension story to the book. I have been affiliated with the Ascended Masters’ Portal in New Zealand since 2013. I passed out of the cycle of re-birth in May, 2016. I am now on the 5th Ray of Truth, Healing and Knowledge. I have a Protection Grid.
In November 2018, just after I passed the 7th initiation, my Higher Self showed an image of me sitting at a table with blank paper in front of me and a pen beside the paper. Later I was given the title of the book to write. I have no formal book writing or publishing experience but decided to put it out there on our Ascension Facebook page. The response was immediate and strong. Together, we forged the book this website is about.
This is our way of contributing to spreading the word about this Ascension journey we must all eventually take. Our stories are unique yet similar in that as we have each forged our spiritual paths, we discovered the help of the Ascended Masters at the portal in New Zealand. These are changing times and as individuals begin to ‘wake up’, they will hopefully appreciate reading about how so many ordinary people took this journey before them and were able to leave the cycle of re-birth and raise their spiritual vibration.
A second book, published in October 2023, and titled: “Divine Healing: Powerful Stories of Transformation With Higher Selves and Beings of Light” is now available.
It is a compilation of 10 stories by healers from around the world who are on this Ascension path, how they became healers and how their Higher Selves and other Beings of Light work through them to bring divine truth, wisdom and healing to others.
At the start of August 2023, I passed the 8th initiation.
My name is Elizabeth Tackenberg. I am a retired Registered Architect and a retired Certified Professional Coach living in Miami Beach, Florida. In my spare time during my decades of work as an Architect, I initiated, taught, and guided students in the practice of Kriya Yoga meditation for Kriya Yoga Institute. Following this phase while working as a traditional Life Coach, I integrated my knowledge of the Akashic Records, various energy healing modalities, and God-consciousness Healing for maximum results.
I found the Ascension with the Ascended Masters website in 2015 and started using their products and receiving healings from the Ascended Masters which enabled me to pass the 7th initiation in August 2019. My Higher Self, Charles, is on the Rainbow Ray (the 8th ray) and is handsome, friendly, attentive, outgoing, and kind.
Currently, I am relishing this blessed time of rest, meditation and contemplation. I am grateful.
My name is Kathryn Murray, born and raised in New Zealand. I have been many things throughout my 71 years - a daughter, a sister, a Nurse and Midwife, a Reiki Master, a holistic healer and masseuse, a guitar and ukulele player, a wife, a mother and grandmother.
In November 2022 I began the process of 8th Initiation during which time I have explored and been deep in discoveries in the quantum field,, while continuing to work in service with my Higher Self Anaiyah and a team of Ascended Masters, ArchAngels and Dragons which in turn has lead to bringing fresh possibilities into the light.for the highest good of humanity and of all Kingdoms.
I am now very excited with recent developments and new pathways, all unfolding in Divine Timing. - watch this space. All my work is done remotely, and enquiries welcome via email : kathrynjames52@gmail.com
I have fallen in love with my divinity and I’d like you to feel the same way about yours.
My mission as High Priestess in this lifetime is to bring the Holy Divine Feminine Wisdom teachings of Sacred Union from the ancient Rose Lineage back to each soul that feels called to be initiated.
I mentor those who are ascending, those who feel called to hold the archetype of Priestess and those who are Sacred Waterkeepers and Divine Alchemists.
We are here to bring back our divine mastery and build heaven on earth. I founded the Rose Heart Temple Mystery School as a school of awakening and remembering. I guide those who seek to regain their mastery and achieve Divine Union with all of creation within and out. I call this path the Path of Becoming the Beloved Rose. Are you called by the twin flame/soulmate journey to this destination? As an 8th level initiate I am here to lovingly hold and guide you.
Read my book, Awakening Sacred Union Between the Divine Feminine and Masculine: Becoming the Beloved Rose and visit the Rose Heart Temple Mystery School curriculum, classes and mentorship programs to learn more. You can find me on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.
My name is AmayahGrace. I was born in the UK, and in my 30s, I answered Spirit’s call to come to New Zealand. Here, in this fresh new land, I learned to breathe again and to start the journey of uncovering and re-membering WHO I AM.
My healing abilities were re-awakened in 2000. Since then, my commitment to my path of service as an Intuitive Healer, New Consciousness Teacher and Change Catalyst becomes ever clearer and brighter as I continue to open to higher healing for myself and others.
Part of my re-connection has been to receive from Spirit the name of AmayahGrace - meaning The Grace of The Divine Mother. Making the commitment to connect more deeply with WHO I AM and my Soul’s purpose is the bedrock of my Ascension journey and enables me to experience ever more Love, Joy and Lightness of Being while living and working with clarity and simplicity.
I incarnated as a 5th Ray Soul, the Ray of Healing, Truth and Knowledge. Up to 2014, my Ascension process involved my clearing the dross and karma from all seven chakras. In 2014, I passed the 6th Initiation—when my Higher Self began to embody and we became one. I/we are now on the 3rd Ray, the Ray of Unconditional Love. I began my journey through the 7th Initiation in January 2016.
It is a work in progress!
My name is Brad Panopoulos and I am currently a 7th initiate living in Ontario Canada. In 2016 I passed the 4th initiation and was welcomed into the group of other initiates working with the Ascended Masters portal in New Zealand. Soon after joining, I stepped into a service role with the Masters. Utilizing a meditation technique known as the torus technique, I formed the group torus events with the Ascended Masters. This brought together the initiates and allowed the Masters to come closer to our dimension in service to humanity during these times of Ascension.
Now, as a 7th initiate, I strive to follow the path of my Higher Self and my service to the Masters has turned into a deeper working relationship.
My Higher Self is now 100% in form and I am completely on the blue aspect of the 1st ray, the ray of God’s will and power. Metaphysical energy work is a close part of my being, and together with my Higher Self, I offer a variety of energetic healing services. I have several certifications including Reiki Grand Master, White Light Reiki, and Lightwave.
My name is Geri Mason. I live in a quiet country village in England with my husband, two dogs, and four very large gold fish with personalities of their own. I was born and raised in the City of Birmingham, and moving to the countryside was a culture shock. Nevertheless, living the quiet life was a catalyst to new and unexpected beginnings.
A series of changes spanned the years until I found my true vocation as one who listens to others and helps them to heal. Over time my spirituality deepened. I was guided to the Ascended Masters’ portal in New Zealand, where I learned that ascension is possible in this lifetime. The idea of being off the cycle of rebirth seemed like a dream, but working with the Ascended Masters and using their products transformed my life in ways I will always be grateful for.
My ascension after the 4th initiation was very slow. I was disheartened until I heard angels singing, and they filled my heart with peace. Now on the 7th initiation I fully embody my Higher Self, who inspires everything meaningful that I say and do. He is a kind, loving Master of the 8th ray, and I sense his energy as calm, reflective, patient and understanding. He sings with the angels and plays the drums. This generates powerful energy carrying far and wide for the healing of our planet and the benefit of humankind. My purpose is to honor my Higher Self in as many ways as possible. He takes the lead and I follow with love and gratitude.
My name is Dr. Simi Ahuja and I am a board-certified Family Practice Physician. I am also a Mind Body Medicine practitioner and a Medical Intuitive.
In March 2008, feeling disgruntled, hopeless and helpless about both my professional and personal life, I began to search for a higher power that, intellectually, I knew was within me. But I did not know how to tap into that power. I began to read books and take spiritual classes in hopes to find a trail that would lead me within. I was lucky enough to find a teacher who taught me the art of looking within. The more I looked within and forgave, the stronger my spiritual powers became. This is when I stumbled upon the inner wisdom that relentlessly guides our path. With the assistance of this newly discovered wisdom, I was able to assist a gentleman, in his 70’s, to heal a non-healing surgical wound that was requiring a fourth surgery. He was able to heal the wound completely without the need for a subsequent surgery simply with using the power of the mind infused with unconditional Love. What was even more remarkable was that over time, I began to heal my own cognitive brain dysfunction that resulted from chronic childhood sexual trauma. I am a living testament to the power of the mind to heal the physical body.
This is the first time I realized the power of the mind to heal the physical body and it forever shifted my perception of what it means to truly heal. This occurrence has helped me to see that the very power to heal lies within each and every one of us. The innate intelligence of the human body to heal itself by itself given the right tools is far greater than what we could ever conceive. This power is ready to be tapped into given a little bit of willingness on our part.
Driven by my newfound understanding and my passion to help others to heal at a deep level and in a profound way the way I have, I began to hold community classes in order to inspire and educate those who wanted to take charge of their health in an empowered way. I have helped to empower hundreds. I am eager to help more people tap into their innate healing ability.
“In the world of caterpillars and butterflies, a caterpillar must earn the privilege to become a butterfly” - Luz Victoria Winter
My name is Luz Victoria Winter. I am a bright light that has come to light the world via service and commitment to my Higher Self. I work with the Ascended Masters to support the transformation of our planet. My spiritual journey has taken me to many places externally and internally, to include an influential time spent in India. I was classically trained by my spiritual master, an Indian Guru, that is known as “The Hugging Saint.” Her training was rigorous and very intense. She helped me clear extensive karma and solidified spiritual foundational principles that have supported me through the higher level initiations. At this point in my life, I am at peace, balanced, and of service to humankind. In the system of higher level initiations, I am currently at the higher post 7th initiation level. As a 7th ray, my service is expanding to larger groups of people. Writing has become my instrument of service. I plan on expanding my chapter in Modern Ascension into a book or screenplay. May Light Prevail!
Email: luz_lighttheworld@yahoo.com
Tammy Manzo is an Akashic Records archaeologist. She searches through past lives, always learning, searching, exploring and digging for everything that is ready to be transformed. Using the energetic architecture of planet Earth, as seen in astrology charts, she and her Higher Self can detect, unravel and expunge that which is not the Divine self.
Belief systems, patterns, and programs from lifetimes over all space and time can be released. Shadow can be brought into the Light. Everything that is old, no longer useful and no longer in alignment, can be turned into gold. Through this process of chiseling out what we are not, we come layer by layer into who we ARE. Buried beneath the energetic rubble, are parts of you more precious than you can ever imagine. You will rediscover yourself on this pilgrimage of self-development, validation, and confirmation.
Tammy and her Higher Self are devoted to helping others find themselves through this process of archaeological alchemy. Tammy’s services include astrology readings, past life clearing, pattern clearing, releasing of old timelines and creating new and higher vibration timelines. She is constantly taught new techniques and tools by her Higher Self as she is also doing this same work for herself. She teaches Practical Reiki, personal energy management, and astrology to those who want to continually empower themselves and remember who they ARE.
Tammy lives in northern Ohio with Tim, her husband of twenty-eight years. Their son Ben has just opened a shop called Wizardry & Warfare, where he sells games and trading cards.
My name is Sheila Franzen and I have been learning about and working with the Ascended Masters for over 20 years. As a 7th Initiate, I am humbled and honored to know that my physical incarnations on earth are complete. I stand in service to my Higher Self and those that I love and interact with each day.
As a Lightworker, I want to see the world become a better place. I believe that this experience of being ‘human’ is a gift that we must cherish, explore and enjoy as much as we possibly can. While the planet can seem full of chaos every day, it is within ourselves that we find peace. It is within ourselves that we find patience, understanding and more love for all those around us.
I am a light force of focus and possibility inspiring you to live consciously. I help you see the way forward so that you can consciously create a life you love and celebrate. 🌟
sheilafranzen.com - My Website (Online Courses, Podcast, Community)
torushealings.com - Divine Energy Healing
My name is Andrew Logan and I am a student of my Higher Self and many beings of the spiritual hierarchy (Ascended Masters, Archangels, and Elohim).
My spiritual journey began in earnest 14 years ago, and has included practices mostly from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition and the more modern Ascension teachings of the Ascended Masters. I have also explored and practiced many systems of Reiki healing, Tarot, astrology, and additional Eastern spiritual paths.
It is my great joy to work with my Higher Self Jeremiah in offering a wide range of spiritual healing, activations, and attunements, in order to help those who seek an accelerated spiritual path. I continue to commit myself to learning and evolving, and it is my deep wish to continue to be of service to humanity in its evolution and ascension.
My name is Verna Maruata, and I am one of the keepers of the vast Ascended Masters’ portal in New Zealand. Starting in my childhood, El Morya, Sanat Kumara and Gautauma Buddha (to name a few) started to teach me practical exercises and techniques I would need to assist them with the portal they have created here in New Zealand. The Ascended Masters only have one focus for humanity, and that is Ascension. My role is to demystify Ascension by making the process clear and attainable for all who choose to consciously ascend.
The Masters gifted me two crown chakras, one for me and the other for them to work through me in the portal. This ensured my connection to them was clear, and all the information I received from them was pure and unclouded by my lower self’s perception.
Since the Ascended Masters portal was completed, I have passed the 9th initiation and I am no longer tied to repeating physical incarnations. My two crown chakras were removed at the 7th initiation and replaced by a vortex that the Masters utilise.
My working relationship with the Ascended Masters continues to this day. My twin flame Waireti and I work with the Masters as they help humanity in their Ascension process. This is a position of sacred trust that we take very seriously. To learn more about Ascension and how you can ascend in this lifetime, visit our website.
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